"White Lotus helped renew my sense of self. For a long time, I didn't think I could ever do something this intense. Not only can I, but I feel great!" —S. C. Faber
Students 13 years or older are enrolled in our kung fu classes for adults. We encourage students to attend three classes a week if possible. There are also open workout times available for practicing. We teach:
We ask all prospective students to observe classes before enrollment. This enables you to see what we teach and how we teach it, and it lets us answer any questions or concerns you might have. |
New students receive private instruction until they are ready to join the rest of the class. In 2010, we will start new sessions on the following dates:
Jan 11 & 25 Feb 8 & 22 Mar 8 & 22 |
Apr 5 & 19 May 3 & 17 June 7 & 21 |
July 12 & 26 Aug 9 & 23 Sept 13 & 27 |
Oct 11 & 25 Nov 8 & 25 Dec 6 & 20 |
"I've been with the studio for about two years and it's never boring. There's a positive atmosphere and laughter is common." —Chris Tooley
Thanks for stopping by. We hope to see you soon!